
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Free Fonts from Google

Tom, at the Rapid Elearning Blog  posted some links to free fonts for those of us on a limited budget, and who is not these days?

He also posted some great information on how to use them! 

Just remember--if you use these fonts in PowerPoint, embed them because when the PowerPoint is used on another computer that doesn't have them installed, the font that's spelled most like the one you use will pop up and you may get some very strange results--in front of an audience.    If you capture your PowerPoint in Articulate, Captivate or Camtasia, though, they'll work great!

Take it away, Tom!

Oh, and by the way, I read somewhere today that if you need to memorize something . . . type it out in a very-hard-to-read font.  Because it's hard to read, the words penetrate deeper into your brain.  But don't follow that same rule for your online presentations, please.  Use very unusual fonts sparingly and only when you have a good reason to do so!

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