
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Most Popular E-Learning Tools

In a recent thread in the Instructional Design & E-LearningProfessionals' Group,  several e-learning designers listed their three favorite e-learning tools.   As I was curious to see which were most popular among this group, I charted them.   My numbers may not be exact, as several people listed suites and I'm not sure they used everything in them, but I believe the chart and numbers below are fairly correct. 

For myself, my favorite tools are Captivate, Camtasia, PowerPoint, Snag-it, Photoshop, Audacity, and Windows Movie-Maker.  I have used Flash and Articulate. Some of the tools listed below look very interesting and I'm going to have to find out more about them.

Captivate, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Flash and Articulate are the clear winners!

Click the chart above to view it larger

Click the chart above to view it larger

The list below is of tools that were mentioned three times or fewer. Those with asterisks are free.

  • Gimp* 
  •  Scrubus* 
  • Inkscape 
  • Google sketchup* 
  • Google Picasa* 
  • Blender* 
  • GeoGebra*
  • Freemind* 
  • Kompozer* 
  • OpenOffice* 
  • Cam Studio* 
  • Moodle* 
  • Salasaga* 
  • SoftChalk 
  • Rapid Intake's 
  • Unison 
  • JQuery 
  • CSS# 
  • Assignment Builder 
  • PDF 
  • Centra 
  • Live Meeting 
  • Hype 
  • Visio 
  • Panopto 
  • Blackboard 
  • Actionscript 3 
  • Jing* 
  • Screenr* 
  • YouTube*

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