
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Great E-Learning Template and New E-Learning Website

So, I'm in love with Tom.  Sure, he's over there at Articulate, and I presently using Captivate, but I cut my e-learning teeth on Articulate, and their support is second to none. I'm even thrilled that now Captivate has introduced some of the same features that Articulate has always had, but I still don't know if you can do simulations in Articulate.  In the past, you couldn't.  I plan to download a trial and see soon.  

But Tom.  His blog is awesome and a must-read for an e-learning professional.  They come to me in my email, and each time, I can't wait to find out what goodies he has for me today!  

Today's is definitely a winner.  It's a PowerPoint template based on the Notes app on the iPad.  I've only played with an iPad in the Apple store and I just popped out to my YouTube account and played some of my YouTube videos on it then, but, no matter. This template rocks!

This is what it looks like:

To read about it, view a demo, and download it, check out Tom's blog.

And while I was out clicking links in the blog, I found the E-Learning Heroes site.  Once again, it's Articulate-centric, but I am excited to now be part of that community.  Check out this page of PowerPoint templates and other cool downloads.

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