
Friday, May 6, 2011

Record yourself presenting online--Free! with Present Me

I can't wait to try out this app.  Here's what they do:

"According to Microsoft, 500 million PowerPoint users give 30 million presentations every working day. I'm the presenter, you're the audience and you miss the presentation, or you saw it, but want to watch it again. What are your choices?

I can email you my slides, but without you being able to see and hear me, you get less than half the story. We all know the stat that over 60% of a presentation's impact is through voice, facial expression and body language.

How about a webex, or a teleconference? Better, but I still can't see you. OK, a video conference then? Getting there, but cost is going up now, and all the above require participants to be there at the same time.

Why can't I record the presentation and send you the slides together, so that you can see and hear me, whilst looking at my slides, at your own convenience? Well, I can. There are a number of desktop applications, but they're incredibly complex & difficult to use, and they don't come cheap. Result - most people don't have the time, energy or inclination.

There are a few online tools available - they all have the ability to add video & audio to presentations, but they're no easier to use than their desktop friends - it's just shifting the same problem from the desktop to the web.

The gap is all too clear - a simple, easy to use, low cost application that splits the screen and allows you to record your presentation and display you and your slides at the same time, in the same place and then share the results online with whomever you want.

That's Present.Me - we solve that problem!"

Check them out here!

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