
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Adobe Captivate 5.x: Web Page Widget

Bring the web into your presentations.  This widget allows you to insert a web page into your Adobe Captivate 5.x web projects.

What can it do?

It can insert a web page using a:
  1. Web address such as
  2. Relative Path such as “myfolder/myHTMLFile.htm”
  3. HTML string such as “<html><head></head><body>Hello Wolrd Wide Web!</body></html>”
  4. Captivate User Variable such as $$UserVariable$$ that would contain the html syntax in a string like the above.
  5. It can also interpret variables so you could have a string or a URL such as$$myUserVariable$$
  6. You can have two-way communication between the web page and Captivate 5 if you know JavaScript.

Use Cases:

  1. Inserting PDF files (embedded into your web page).
  2. Displaying Legacy AS2 .swf files (such as Articulate Presenter files or Captivate 3 or 4 files) in your AS3 Captivate 5 projects.
  3. Showing corporate policies that must be kept to date.  No need to republish your Captivate 5 project every time a policy changes if you’re displaying a web page that already has the current info from your corporate intranet.
  4. Display a Google Form, Spreadsheet, or Doc that shows up-to-date information.
  5. Create your own web mashups  with Facebook, or Twitter and place them inside of your presentation.
  6. Have users take a training evaluation survey from or http://polldaddy.comall within Captivate.
  7. Whatever you can stuff into a web page, you can now show inside of Captivate.

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