
Friday, January 27, 2012

Getting Ready for Black History Month

I just found a great website for teachers, and if you're looking for ideas for Black History Month, this site has them!

EDSITEment! The Best of the Humanities on the Web

Black Civil War soldier"February’s Black History Month is the perfect time to investigate the tremendous contributions that African Americans have made to the history and cultural development of the United States. In this special feature, teachers, parents, and students will find a collection of NEH-supported websites and EDSITEment-developed lessons that tell the four-hundred-year story of African Americans. They will also encounter some of the most influential voices and the most memorable images in American history and culture."

1 comment:

  1. Stories Beyond Black and White: 25 Graphic Novels for African American History Month http://​​2012/01/​collection-development/​stories-beyond-black-and-wh​ite-25-graphic-novels-for-​african-american-history-m​onth/
