
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Two Great Online Dictionaries

Looking for a really good online dictionary?

Try OneLook Dictionary.  It can search 19,044,138 indexed words in 1062 dictionaries.  Think of this website as a search engine for words and phrases.  If you have a word for which you need a definition or translation, we'll quickly shuttle you to the web-based dictionaries that define or translate that word. If you don't know the right word to use, we'll help you find it. No word is too obscure: More than 5 million words in more than 1000 online dictionaries are indexed by the OneLook® search engine

What can you do at
  • Define words: Type a word into the search box on the front page to retrieve a list of dictionary web sites that define that word. Be sure "Find definitions" is selected.
  • Find words: Type a pattern consisting of letters and the wildcards * and ? to retrieve a list of words matching your pattern. The asterisk (*) matches any number of letters or symbols. The question mark (?) matches exactly one letter or symbol. (More info on wildcards and the Reverse Dictionary.)
  • Translate words: Type a word into the search box and select "Find translations" to retrieve a list of dictionary web sites that have translations of that word into other languages.

Another really great, fast online dictionary, which you can also purchase for the iphone, is Ninjawords.

Why is Ninjawords special?

Ninjas are three things:
  1. They're smart
  2. They're accurate
  3. They're really fast
Ninjawords is based on these principles.  Ninjawords is optimized to return a definition instantly as soon as you hit enter, and your search is spell-checked in multiple ways until we find a good match. Ninjas like to stay lean and mean, which is why there is no junk cluttering your dictionary, slowing you down.

All definitions come from the ever-expanding Wiktionary data set.

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