The tools are a valuable resource for the e-Learning community. Each tool on the list has a video demo and an overview of what it can do for you.
Happy Hunting!
You can read more about how to make a wiki context sensitive here, and out on the Atlassian blog, you can get into more detail, complete with pretty pictures!Well, there’s a big difference, of course. A wiki is essentially a collaboration platform — your online documents become a place where everyone goes to find information, share their own tips with others, and pick up the latest updates. A help authoring tool is tailored towards building a documentation set which is essentially static (even if you update it every day, it’s still not a discussion platform) but which has all the bells and whistles of an integrated online help system.
I think, that if we want to be learner centric, the choice must be left to the learner as to wheather they will listen or read to a presentation. For auditory learners, narration will do more good than a page turner. On the other side, visual learners might prefer reading the explanations. You must also provide some sort of interaction for kinestaetics learners.
For many organizations, the expectations of their customers have outpaced with the information managers can provide — and in some cases, can even conceive of. The notion of ‘agile content’ would thus seem to encompass several aspects: development of increasingly sophisticated information in multiple media, storing it in such a way that it is accessible and relevant throughout an organization, and designing the optimal user experience when the information is needed.