
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cartoons About Cartoons

I love my college student friends!! They keep me inspired to not only reach creatively, but to also stand up and do the right thing.  And I applaud Facebook, because, if not for it, I wouldn't still have such good communication with my son's friends in college. Lucky, lucky me and lucky all of us for defeating SOPA! 

Anyway, if you are a trainer or a teacher, you may be aware that writing comics is a robust way to teach some topics.  Well, two of my son's friends this week posted some great stuff about writing comics.

Simmon Manning, Architechual Student at OSU, created the following graphic as a class assignment. I've added hyperlinks to the originals of both of these graphics so you can click on them to see them larger. The assignemnt is to create a "how to" comic, so he created a comic about how to create a comic.  Love it!

Jonathan Knox posted a link to the comic below on his Facebook Page.  He studies software design and art. It's Wally Wood's 22 Panels That Always Work.  As a writer, I really LOVE the verbage at the top: "Some interesting ways to get a variety into those boring panels where some dumb writer has a bunch of lame characters sitting around and talking for page after page!"

Friday, February 3, 2012

HELP!! Problems With Presenting PowerPoint

I just found a very handy site, designed for your phone, to help you troubleshoot presentation problems.  A LIFESAVER!!

  • Setting up the Equipment/Room
  • Problems Discovered While Testing Your Slides
  • Problems during Delivery of the Presentation
  • Setting up the Equipment/Room